Sinco Tech DO908 Racing dashboard is one of our most popular product which features a 6.5 inch, green backlight,Chinese/English available, low consumption LCD screen and universal to all 12V vehicles( 1-8 engine cylinders), RPM reach to 9000 max. Four speed alarm LED lights and two button keys are designed on either side of display shell. It is waterproof so that also can be used on motorcycle engine.
Main Function Display
1. RPM
2. Speed
3. Air/Fuel Ratio
4. Oil Pressure
5. Turbo
6. Water Temp
7. Voltage
8. Oil pressure temp
9. EXT.temp
10. Muti-Purpose Display Section
Multi-purpose Display Section
1. Date
2. Time
3. Engine Rpm
4. Trip Subtotal Mileage
5. ODO Total Mileage
6. 0-100KM/H Testing Mode
Setting Menu
1. Set Language (CN/EN)
2. Set Date ( YY-MM-DD ; MM-DD-YY ; DD-MM-YY )
3. Set Time ( 24H)
4. Set Unit (BAR-PSI ,KM/H-MPH,℉-℃)
5. Set LED (ON-OFF)
6. Set Alarm (speed limit alarm)
7. Set Speed Calibration
8. Set Cylinder Number (1-8)
Parameter Range
Speed 0-255Km/h OR 0-255MPH
RPM 0~9000rpm
OIL P. 0~150PSI OR 0~10BAR
BOOST.P -15~45PSI OR -1~3BAR
OIL T. 0~150℃ OR 0~300℉
WATER T. 0~150℃ OR 0~300℉
EXT T. 0~1,300℃ OR 0~2400℉
VOLT 10~16V
Speed pulse 2、4、6、8 pulse
Free pulse: 1,274~16,562 pulse/km (equal to pulse of 2~26)
Cylinder number 1、2、3、4、5、6、8(loop)
■Low consumption LCD screen
■8 LED lights with sequential indicator function
■With a new advanced system
■time clock function
■DAY-NIGHT backlight mode adjusted by manual
■processor fixed with screws to panel
■0-100km/h acceleration testing function
■ODO/ TRIP display
■Chinese /English modes optional
■Oil/water/exhaust Temp. started from 0 degree
■Record and playback 0-100KM/H acceleration